You want to build an IoT device? Yes, I just want to gather air quality data. Should be easy .. no? There is plenty of Arduino code .. will get done in a jiffy!


  • How is the device powered? With a battery? What about energy management? Efficient energy management is crucial for longevity.
  • How is the device transmitting data? WiFi, LoRa, LTE? Each has its trade-offs.
  • How and where do you store the data? Cloud? What about hosting, server side service? And yet again security? Encryption and authentication matter.
  • Oh we have a better v2 of the device! Great. How do you manage different versions deployed in the real world?
  • Oh you found a bug in your code? How do you fix devices in the field? OTA updates?
  • Humm device stopped sending data? What about monitoring and diagnostics?
  • How will the user interact with it? A web app or a mobile app?? User experience enhances adoption and satisfaction
  • What about device compliance and certification?

And all the above has nothing to do with what you actually want .. air quality data! 

Do you want to develop your home grown solution for each of the above? And continue managing it? You better be a big company with deep pockets because you spend 95% of your budget on things that don't matter to you … what matters to you is air quality data. So why not focus on that. is a Switzerland based startup founded by Ex-Google and Ex-Nokia employees with a mission to get you focused on the important things. 

We are currently close to an alpha release. Stay tuned